Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Oh yeah...I'm BACK!

It's been a week since I've been home! Crazy. 

First off, a thousand thank you's! It was a wonderful, amazing, crazy, challenging, rewarding, and down right awesome adventure. I am so thankful for all the support I received leading up to and during the trip.

I'd love to tell you each more about it in person. While my original plan was to post the journal entries I kept everyday, I've decided that it would be better to keep the details off the internet. There are some amazing things I'd love to share but after some thought, these key moments shouldn't be publicized. Besides, it's better to talk about in person anyway!

I think my family will host an open house type get-together to look at pictures and to tell stories! Please let me know if you'd be interested in coming!

Have a wonderful day!

In Christ's Love,

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What's Up Warsaw!?

Finally in Warsaw! No more flying! :) Now we have a four hour drive to the Belarusian border. Crazy! Everyone is doing well! Keep us in your prayers still!! From now on, I won't have much access to internet! I'll be journaling and I'll update the blog when I get back to the States! 

All my love!

There are no Kangaroos in Austria

Team Selfie on the Moving Sidewalk in Vienna

The first souvenir shop in Vienna displayed a tee shirt that read "There are no Kangaroos in Austria." Seeing as it's 10 am here and 1 am where my body wishes I were, I found this extremely hilarious. People must mix Austria and  Austraila up all the time. I would never confuse two great lands. For I, of course, started quoting "The Sound of Music" as soon as we touched down here in Austria, exclaiming the "hills were alive" and that the souvenirs were "a few of my favorite things." 

Now, if you've never been to the airport in Vienna, it's huge. I mean, HUGE huge. In my terminal alone there are 99 gates. NINETY NINE. And I know the terminal next door has the same amount! Luckily, we quickly navigated from our arrival gate to our departure gate. I even got my passport stamped! Unfortunately, my years in French and Spanish classrooms have yet to aid me but I did say "danke" to the pilot (and he gave me a "I know you're American" look...but hey, when in Rome!).

So now I'm lounging outside our gate in style. They have sleek leather couch/lounge chairs...score! I have about 2 hours until we board our final flight. Once we get to Warsaw, we drive to the Belarusian border! Thank you for all your prayers and please keep praying! Customs at the Belarusian border can take a while and we'll be exhausted by please pray for communication ease, smooth transitions, and, of course, continued travel mercies!

All my love from 5,501 miles away (according to Google),

Monday, July 21, 2014


TODAY IS THE DAY :) The Oregon team is checked in and at the gate! First we're off to Chicago so I'll be sure to say hi from O'Hare too! 

We don't have much of a layover which is nice because we don't have to wait around BUT that does mean we have to hustle through customs...which leads me to prayer requests!

Please pray for...
Travel mercies
Sleep (!!!!)
Patience with eachother and others
Making all the connecting flights 
An easy Customs experience 
And anything else you can think of :)

Thank you for all your support so far! Much love! xo

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Woohoooooo! Last day of hosting the garage sale! It's been successful so far but today has been slow! :( Tell your friends and family to swing by! We have some great items: books, clothes, and decor, of course. But we have some beautiful furniture items too! Everything is priced to sell...Mom wants everything out!! Haha :)
Great plate and bowl sets!
For all your caffeine needs ;)
Beautiful Full Sized Bed Frame
Great cabinet/desk unit!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting down to the wire...

Summertime? CRUNCHtime is more like it...34 days until I board my first international flight. To help me get there I will be holding a GARAGE SALE! 100% of the money will go towards my team's upcoming trip! I will be hosting it over two weekends but hopefully everything will be sold the first weekend :)

Friday, June 27 & Saturday, June 28
Friday, July 4 & Saturday, July 5

Please stay posted for location.

If you have ANYTHING to donate or if you would like to help out in anyway, PLEASE contact me-facebook, text, email-I have it all! I'd like all donations by Wednesday, June 25.

Hope your week is going well. I'm back in the swing of things here at home. School may be over but I'm keeping busy with work nonetheless! This rain sure hasn't kept me from having a great start to the summer!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

These are a few of my FAVORITE things


Don't know what that means? It's okay, I didn't know until about 30 seconds ago.

"Servus!" is an informal way to greet someone if you are in Austria....but wait....why am I greeting you in Austrian German? Well it's because our team has officially bought our plane tickets and one of our layovers is in Vienna, Austria! WOO! I've always wanted to visit Vienna because of my love for The Sound of Music! I wish we could explore Vienna but we'll only be there a few hours and the majority of that time will be spent in customs.

So we've bought our plane tickets but we aren't done raising money. We have a pancake breakfast coming up and a few other events, does anyone have a wonderful fundraising idea? We'd love to know. :)

Buying plane tickets and finishing up my sophomore year?? These really are a few of my favorite things! Unfortunately, while the school year is winding down, my work load is ramping up! Luckily, I'm only a few lectures and tests away from summer! I can't wait to be on break! Hope everyone is doing well.